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Filter Result for: Governance

Wednesday Jan 31
9:00 am

A New Era of Ontario Public Library Guidelines and Accreditation

Elise C. Cole, Dr. Sabrina ER Saunders

MTCC - 206C
Wednesday Jan 31
10:30 am

From “Tombstone” to “Discovery”: The Transformation of a Little Library

Andrew Porteus, Cathy Simpson, Rachel Van Riel

ICTC - Ontario
Thursday Feb 01
10:45 am

Turning Outward to Your Community: How Are You Doing and Why It Matters

Cheryl Gorman, Susan Taylor Simpson

MTCC - 104CD
Thursday Feb 01
2:00 pm

Gendering the Language of Our Interactions

Phil Gold

MTCC - 206C
Thursday Feb 01
3:45 pm

Planning in VUCA Times

Rob Elkington

ICTC - Haliburton
Friday Feb 02
9:00 am

Planning New Buildings: Retrofitting Older Buildings with LEED and the Ontario Climate Change Action Plan

Ted Watson, Lyle Scott

MTCC - 201D
Friday Feb 02
10:45 am

CFLA-FCAB: Canada’’s National Voice for Libraries

Camille Callison, Alix-Rae Stefanko, Victoria Owen

MTCC - 201D
Friday Feb 02
2:00 pm

When Board Expectations Don’t Materialize: Managing CEO Performance

Anne Marie Madziak

ICTC - Ontario
Saturday Feb 03
9:00 am

Passing the Torch: Transition Plans and Legacy Documents to Prepare Your Incoming Board

Jane Hilton, Greg Burns

ICTC - Ballroom
Saturday Feb 03
10:45 am

Your CEO/Chief Librarian Is Going to Retire: Are You Ready For It?

Leslie Fitch, Daryl Novak, Margaret Pommer Warmels

ICTC - Ballroom
Saturday Feb 03
12:45 pm

Nuts & Bolts for Trustees

ICTC - Ballroom
Saturday Feb 03
2:00 pm

Recruiting Great Board Members

Kitty Pope

ICTC - Ballroom
Saturday Feb 03
3:15 pm

Governance Spotlight: Turning the Page: Strategies for Impactful Engagement in an Election Year

Caroline Pinto, Devan Sommerville

ICTC - Ballroom

Current Filters Applied

Result of filter: 13

Sectors: Governance
Days: All Days
Event Types: All Event Types
Subjects: All Subjects