Why are you interested in the topic you are presenting?
In keeping with our Community-Led work, understanding how different populations use our spaces, and understanding their needs enables us to look critically at what we are currently doing, and then develop and deliver meaningful services.
In keeping with our Community-Led work, understanding how different populations use our spaces, and understanding their needs enables us to look critically at what we are currently doing, and then develop and deliver meaningful services.
What does “fearless” mean to you?
I’m a huge fan of Brene Brown. Her discussion around vulnerability resonates with me. Being fearless to me means being vulnerable. As Brene states, “Vulnerability is not winning or losing; it’s having the courage to show up and be seen when we have no control over the outcome.”
I’m a huge fan of Brene Brown. Her discussion around vulnerability resonates with me. Being fearless to me means being vulnerable. As Brene states, “Vulnerability is not winning or losing; it’s having the courage to show up and be seen when we have no control over the outcome.”
What have you read/seen/listened to lately that you would recommend to your audience (something that would help them to learn more about your topic)?
I’d recommend reading the TRC Report and Calls to Action. There is much in that report for libraries to consider when looking at trauma informed service.
I’d recommend reading the TRC Report and Calls to Action. There is much in that report for libraries to consider when looking at trauma informed service.