Why are you interested in the topic you are presenting?
I spent two years working as a Librarian for Auckland Libraries before becoming the “Tech Librarian” at Orillia Public Library. As a newcomer to a small community and a millennial myself, I understand how valuable it is to have opportunities to connect with peers. Additionally, young adults without children often report feeling isolated after leaving the built in social networks of school. Creating targeted programs that encourage social connections within this demographic can help alleviate feelings of isolation and create stronger and happier communities.
I spent two years working as a Librarian for Auckland Libraries before becoming the “Tech Librarian” at Orillia Public Library. As a newcomer to a small community and a millennial myself, I understand how valuable it is to have opportunities to connect with peers. Additionally, young adults without children often report feeling isolated after leaving the built in social networks of school. Creating targeted programs that encourage social connections within this demographic can help alleviate feelings of isolation and create stronger and happier communities.
What does “fearless” mean to you?
Fearlessness is seeing needs and meeting them, especially when that means going beyond the boundaries of traditional library services. Thinking outside of the box and being open to the possibility of failure often leads to our greatest successes.
Fearlessness is seeing needs and meeting them, especially when that means going beyond the boundaries of traditional library services. Thinking outside of the box and being open to the possibility of failure often leads to our greatest successes.
What have you read/seen/listened to lately that you would recommend to your audience (something that would help them to learn more about your topic)?
If you haven’t already, listen to a podcast. Any podcast. Take a look at a top ten list online and find one that you are interested in. Being familiar with the types of media being consumed by Millennials will be a step in the direction of understanding who they are.
If you haven’t already, listen to a podcast. Any podcast. Take a look at a top ten list online and find one that you are interested in. Being familiar with the types of media being consumed by Millennials will be a step in the direction of understanding who they are.