Why are you interested in the topic you are presenting?
I have seen so many great candidates have terrible interviews, great talent slip through a company’s fingers because a system we have put into place that is so rigid we don’t get a chance to see their true potential or value to a company. I am passionate that we are not hiring for a job; we are hiring for our teams our future and our next opportunity this gives us a chance to see that in a whole new way.
I have seen so many great candidates have terrible interviews, great talent slip through a company’s fingers because a system we have put into place that is so rigid we don’t get a chance to see their true potential or value to a company. I am passionate that we are not hiring for a job; we are hiring for our teams our future and our next opportunity this gives us a chance to see that in a whole new way.
What does “fearless” mean to you?
Fearless is seeing beyond today, even tomorrow, and seeing what is possible. It is continuing to create a clearer picture by welcoming ideas and having the wisdom to know which ones to include and which ones to exclude. Fearless looks like my 3-year-old learning to ice skate, understanding the joy in the falling as well as the standing. Allowing someone to pick them up when they need it, but fighting to learn to get up on their own.
Fearless is seeing beyond today, even tomorrow, and seeing what is possible. It is continuing to create a clearer picture by welcoming ideas and having the wisdom to know which ones to include and which ones to exclude. Fearless looks like my 3-year-old learning to ice skate, understanding the joy in the falling as well as the standing. Allowing someone to pick them up when they need it, but fighting to learn to get up on their own.
What have you read/seen/listened to lately that you would recommend to your audience (something that would help them to learn more about your topic)?
It is one of the things I always go back to ,and it is the TEDxToronto Drew Dudley “Leading with Lollipops.” It is an important reminder that leadership is not beyond us, but it is the small actions we have every day with everyone we meet. The new grad you talk to about a role may one day be a leading CEO in your field. You have the opportunity from your first phone call to make it a memorable experience.
It is one of the things I always go back to ,and it is the TEDxToronto Drew Dudley “Leading with Lollipops.” It is an important reminder that leadership is not beyond us, but it is the small actions we have every day with everyone we meet. The new grad you talk to about a role may one day be a leading CEO in your field. You have the opportunity from your first phone call to make it a memorable experience.