SAM MAGGS is the bestselling author of The Fangirl’s Guide to the Galaxy and the upcoming Wonder Women, both published by Quirk Books and distributed by Penguin Random House.
Named “Awesome Geek Feminist of the Year” by Women Write About Comics, Sam has also been an Editor for geek girl culture site The Mary Sue, and has been published across the web and in other books about gaming and genre. She’s been interviewed about women in geek culture by everyone Vulture to The New York Times. Despite her MA in Victorian literature, Sam’s writing mostly focuses on geek culture, and (sometimes) how it intersects with being a lady.
Sam’s parents saw Star Wars: A New Hope twenty-four times in theatres when it first came out, and used to keep her home from school to marathon the Indiana Jones trilogy, so it’s really not her fault that she turned out the way she did. Sam mostly loves YA lit, Pacific Rim, BioWare games, Carol Danvers, and Jeff Goldblum.