I have extensive experience in all facets of financial operations and management, with 8 years of experience in the private sector and 30 years in the municipal sector – most recently Deputy Treasurer, Director of Financial Operations. I have comprehensive understanding of all town departments and local board programs and services. At the time of this OLA session, it will be over eighteen months that I will have served as CEO. Although I knew about the traditional library services through my own use of the library and the finances, I have learned a lot about the role of the library in technology literacy and within the community. The connection to the Town has improved the relationships between library and Town staff, and more partnerships are forming to deliver services. Along with the fellow panels members, this session will share their experiences from both the Municipal and Library perspective.
What does “fearless” mean to you?
In August of 2016, I was asked to become the interim CEO of the Oakville Public Library due to my knowledge of library services, leadership and my personal support of the OPL. I came in at a time of significant change for the OPL with the full implementation of RFID technology underway, both a Strategic Plan and Facility Master Plan underway and staff in transition. In order to gain the respect of the staff and give them the confidence to take risks and adapt to change one must lead by example, which requires one to be “fearless.”
What have you read/seen/listened to lately that you would recommend to your audience (something that would help them to learn more about your topic)?
Take the opportunity to understand all services funded by a municipality, to assess the complexity and synergies.