Why are you interested in the topic you are presenting?
Having worked in the Toronto Indigenous Community, and as a Metis woman, I recognize the need to Indigenize the institutions which keeps and disseminates knowledge. By all being on the same level of understanding, true reconciliation can begin.
Having worked in the Toronto Indigenous Community, and as a Metis woman, I recognize the need to Indigenize the institutions which keeps and disseminates knowledge. By all being on the same level of understanding, true reconciliation can begin.
What does “fearless” mean to you?
Being brave, bold, or daring in the face of adversity.
Being brave, bold, or daring in the face of adversity.
What have you read/seen/listened to lately that you would recommend to your audience (something that would help them to learn more about your topic)?
I recently read the Canadian Federation of Library Association’s Truth and Reconciliation Report and Recommendations and I find that it is a really good report to read if you’re looking for somewhere to begin implementing the Truth and Reconciliation recommendations in your workspace:
I recently read the Canadian Federation of Library Association’s Truth and Reconciliation Report and Recommendations and I find that it is a really good report to read if you’re looking for somewhere to begin implementing the Truth and Reconciliation recommendations in your workspace: