Why are you interested in the topic you are presenting?

Il y a une fierté associée à être la seule personne à gérer une bibliothèque et d’être capable de s’attribuer le mérite des projets réussis. Par contre, il y a également beaucoup de défis à travailler sans l’appui professionnel de collègues-bibliothécaires. Il est essentiel que nous créions des liens professionnels avec d’autres responsables de petites bibliothèques dans le but de partager nos expériences et de s’entraider.

There is a pride associated with being the sole person managing a small library and being able to take credit for successful projects. However, there are equally many challenges that arise from a lack of professional support of librarian colleagues. I believe that it is essential that as the managers of small libraries we build professional relationships with each other so that we can share our experiences and offer each other support.

What does “fearless” mean to you? 

De ne pas avoir peur d’échouer. To not be afraid of failure.

What have you read/seen/listened to lately that you would recommend to your audience (something that would help them to learn more about your topic)?

The Small Library Manager’s Handbook Edited by Alice Graves