As a librarian who works a lot with faculty and graduate students, I think and talk a lot about research impact. The concept of altmetrics is a foundational part of these conversations. Despite the role of librarians in encouraging the adoption of altmetrics, libraries often don’t adopt altmetrics for their own purposes of evaluation and assessment. If we’re going to be effective advocates for anything, we need to walk the walk and not just talk the talk.
As an early career librarian, I’ve always been interested in conversations about labour, organizational culture, and professional identity. The notion of resilience, as manifested in the current LIS discourse, overlaps with all three of these areas in a complex, challenging way. As someone with a background in cultural studies, my spidey senses always tingle at the chance to examine ideas and language for underlying assumptions because that reveals a great deal about what societal structures and relationships we value and uphold.
What does “fearless” mean to you?
Voicing your thoughts and experiences, regardless of who’s at the table.
What have you read/seen/listened to lately that you would recommend to your audience (something that would help them to learn more about your topic)?
Resilience, Grit, and Other Lies: Academic Libraries and the Myth of Resiliency by Galvan, Berg, and Tewell (slidedeck can be found here.)