When: Wednesday, Jan 31 | 2:30 pm - 3:45 pm

Location: MTCC - 206F

Days: Wednesday. Event Types: Session. Sectors: Public Libraries. Subjects: Outreach & Advocacy and Rural.


In 2017 Saskatchewan’s provincial government announced a 4.8 million dollar cut to the public library system. The cuts would have gutted their One-Province public library system, taking it back 40 years. Led by a two fearless citizen activists, and their Facebook page, an ultimately successful, citizen-led community was mobilized.

Strategies included letter-writing, phone calls, read-ins, community-empowerment and more! Rural libraries and their communities were most imperiled. This panel sets that context, then tells the insider story of the Save Saskatchewan Libraries Facebook action using data and media highlights over a five week period. Believe it, organized citizen political action can make a difference.

1. Participants will be made aware of how to mount an effective social media campaign (in particular Facebook) for public library advocacy and action in rural and urban communities, on a provincial scale.
2. Participants will learn specific techniques, activities, and messages, for engaging with communities, politicians and library leaders to promote public library values and services.
3. Participants will be exposed to the structure, governance, and framework for service for a provincial public library service outside Ontario.
4. Learn how to use Facebook to motivate library patrons and supporters to effective action, getting beyond the “echo chamber” effect.