When: Thursday, Feb 01 | 11:00 am - 11:30 am

Location: EXPO – Orca Book Publishers Booth #410/412

Days: Thursday. Event Types: Author Signings. Sectors: Author. Subjects: Middle Grade and Young Adult.


Mere Joyce will be signing both books in the Orca Book Publishers booth #410/412 on Thursday at 11:00 AM.


Preston is organizing a film festival for his school. When one of the films goes missing, the only evidence of the theft is a shadow that Preston noticed right before he discovered the film was gone – but Preston is legally blind. When nobody believes him, Preston sets out to solve the mystery.

Getting the Brush Off

Sydney was kicked out of a prestigious art school when her mother couldn’t pay the tuition. Now she is busking on the streets of Halifax, trying to earn enough money for art camp. After the police shut her down, Sydney learns her old school is hosting a speed-painting competition with a cash prize.