When: Friday, Feb 02 | 2:00 pm - 2:45 pm

Location: MTCC - 206E

Days: Friday. Event Types: Session. Sectors: Academic. Subjects: Community and Organizational Issues.


As Canadian libraries continue to evolve at a rapid pace, library associations and consortia are challenged to provide their members with leadership and support in emerging areas. Key topics will include organizational mandates, staffing models, approaches to building effective communities of practice and innovative approaches to shared resources.

Focus on how organizations facilitate competency building within their teams as well as across their membership in new areas for libraries, how flexible staffing models improve organizational capacity, what opportunities for community engagement exist for membership and how these organizations are continuously shaped by the evolving needs of their communities. Topic is also important as library associations and consortia are often interesting employers and don’t always get the profile in this area. To learn about different library consortia and organizations and what they do
To develop a better understanding about opportunities for involvement and employment
To find out about emerging areas for libraries and what communities are being developed around these topics.