It is not always easy to find appropriate resources that can easily explain learning styles and learning disabilities. SOAR HS - Some Assembly Required: High School is a good starting point.
Written by Jeff Clayton with fun illustrations by Jeff and krishan Jayatunge, this guide can help secondary students, teachers, caregivers and parents better understand these important concepts. The book does emphasize Ontario resources but is still a useful addition to any school library.
Table of Contents
1. Two Loaded Words
A brief history of School
2. The Elements of Learning
Our Gorgeous Brain
Your Learning Style
3. What are Learning Disabilities
LDs are Simple
LDs are Complicated
The Categories of LDs
Examples of LDs
The Official LDAO Definition of LDs
LDs in School
4. A Couple of Final Thoughts
Further Reading and Resources
LDAO Chapters Across Ontario
Available with the book is the SOAR High School Facilitator's Guide