A Journal of the Canadian Association for School Libraries


Internet Links/Liens Hypertoiles

Here are some Internet Links related to Social Responsibilty and Intellectual Freedom.

Voici des sites hypertoiles qui offrent des ressources sur la responsabilité sociale et la liberté d'expression.

Issue Contents



BC Performance Standards - Social Responsibility: A Framework


World Report:
Libraries and
Intellectual Freedom: Canada
Internet Access Policies:
Canadian Resources


Freedom to Read: Get Involved


ALA Banned Books Week - September 29 - October 6th, 2007


Banning Books from the Classroom:
How to Handle Cries for Censorship


IFLA/UNESCO School Library Manifesto

The School Library in Teaching and Learning for All


Global Campaign for Education


School Library Media Activities Monthly - Confidentiality


Censorship in British Columbia: A history (1980-1990)


Censorship in British Columbia: A history (2000-)
When Reading Good Books Can Get Schools In Trouble

CMEC et Unesco: Éducation pour la paix, les droits de l'homme, le démocratie, la compréhension internationale et la tolérance - Canada

Manifeste de l'UNESCO de la bibliothèque scolaire

La bibliothèque scolaire dans le contexte de l'enseignement et de l'apprentissage pour tous

L'UNEQ - Liberté d'expression: Mémoire relatif au projet de loi C-20


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