A Journal of the Canadian Association for School Libraries


CLA Conference 2007

Hosted by:

Canadian Library Association / Atlantic Provinces Library Association / Newfoundland and Labrador Library Association

When: May 23-26, 2007

Where: Delta St. John’s Hotel and Mile One Centre in St. John’s, NL

Conference Link: http://www.cla.ca/conference/2007/index.shtml

Reminder of Note:

Friday, May 25th - 4:30 - 6:00pm - CLA Division Awards and AGM's (CALCUL - CASL - CAPL - CASLIS)

Our 2007 Award Winners

Issue Contents


CASL Members,

Please find below the constitution and bylaw amendments that will be presented to the CASL AGM in St. John’s Nfld. on Friday, May 25, 2007, 4:30-6:00 p.m., for adoption. The two significant changes are that the number of Councillors on the board will increase from two to three; the President's term will now be two years, instead of one year; and, the President Elector Past President, depending on which office is currently filled, will perform the duties of the President in the absence of the President.

The effect of these bylaw changes means that the Past President will serve one year and after that year is up, the person who has been elected as President-Elect will serve for one year and then two years as president. Using this scheme the board will remain the same size.

If there are any questions please contact Sandra Hughes, President
CASL, at sandra.hughes@sympatico.ca.

I hope you will join us at the AGM and support us in this positive evolution of our Council.

Sandra Hughes, President CASL


The following changes to the Constitution and By-Laws of the Canadian Association for School Libraries will be presented for discussion and approval at CASL’s ANNUAL GENERAL MEETING, May 25, 2007, 4:30 p.m.


To modify the executive terms of office to reflect the practice of other CLA divisional councils and to facilitate the operation of the Association.





Constitution Article 6: Management

Article 6.3:

The officers of the Division shall be the President, the President-Elect, the Past-President, the Secretary-Treasurer and two Councillors from the membership at large.

Bylaw 3: The Executive Council

Bylaw 3:  Officers

1. The Officers shall consist of the President, the President-Elect, the Past-President, the Secretary-Treasurer and two Councillors-at-large.

2. The President shall be the Chief Executive Officer of the Division and shall preside at all meetings of the CASL Executive Council and of the Division without any right to vote except in the case of a tie. The President shall be a member ex officio of all committees struck by the Division.

a. The President shall be the official representative of the Division.
b. By virtue of the office, the President shall serve on the Council of the Canadian Library Association according to the Constitution and Bylaws of CLA.
c. The President shall, with direction and approval by the CASL Executive Council, plan and direct Division programmes. The President will present the annual report of the Division to the CASL Annual General Meeting and to the Council of the Canadian Library Association.

3. The President-Elect shall serve the first year after election as President-Elect and the second year as President. The President-Elect shall, in the absence or disability of the President, perform such duties and exercise such powers of the President as may be assigned by the CASL Executive Council.

a. The duties of the President-Elect shall be determined and assigned by the President with the assistance and approval of the CASL Executive Council.
b. A President-Elect who succeeds to the Presidency in mid-term shall continue in that office for a further term.

4. The Secretary-Treasurer shall serve for a term of two years. The Secretary-Treasurer shall record the minutes of all meetings and ensure that copies are distributed promptly to all members of the Executive Council and shall also be responsible for the development of an annual budget, the maintenance of accurate records of expenditure of funds allocated against that budget, the correspondence and notice of meetings of The Division, and for an annual report to the membership on those matters.

a. The President and the Secretary-Treasurer shall be the signing officers of the Division.

5. The Past-President shall, upon taking that office, automatically assume the position of Chair of the Committee on Committees, and shall also perform such duties as directed by the President or assigned by the CASL Executive Council.

a.  If a President does not complete a normal term-of-office and thus does not move into the office of Past-President, the CASL Executive Council shall appoint an eligible member in good standing to serve as Past-President. If possible, the appointment shall come from the list of former Presidents.

6. Councillors-at-large shall serve for a term of two years with terms to be rotated so that one Councillor shall be elected each year. The Councillors-at large shall perform such duties as directed by the President or assigned by the CASL Executive Council.

Constitution Article 6: Management

Article 6.3:

The Officers shall consist of the President, the President-Elect, the Past-President, the Secretary-Treasurer and three Councillors from the membership at large.

Bylaw 3: The Executive Council

Bylaw 3:  Officers

1. The Officers shall consist of the President, the President-Elect, the Past-President, the Secretary-Treasurer and three Councillors-at-large.

2. The President shall serve a two year term. The President shall be the Chief Executive Officer of the Division and shall preside at all meetings of the CASL Executive Council and of the Division without any right to vote except in the case of a tie. The President shall be a member ex officio of all committees struck by the Division.

a. The President shall be the official representative of the Division.
b. By virtue of the office, the President shall serve on the Council of the Canadian Library Association according to the Constitution and Bylaws of CLA.
c. The President shall, with direction and approval by the CASL Executive Council, plan and direct Division programmes. The President will present the annual report of the Division to the CASL Annual General Meeting and to the Council of the Canadian Library Association.

3. The President-Elect shall serve the first year after election as President-Elect and the second and third years as President. The President-Elect shall, in the absence or disability of the President, perform such duties and exercise such powers of the President as may be assigned by the CASL Executive Council.

a. The duties of the President-Elect shall be determined and assigned by the President with the assistance and approval of the CASL Executive Council.
b. A President-Elect who succeeds to the Presidency in mid-term shall continue in that office for a further term.

4. The Secretary-Treasurer shall serve for a term of two years. The Secretary-Treasurer shall record the minutes of all meetings and ensure that copies are distributed promptly to all members of the Executive Council and shall also be responsible for the development of an annual budget, the maintenance of accurate records of expenditure of funds allocated against that budget, the correspondence and notice of meetings of The Division, and for an annual report to the membership on those matters.

a. The President and the Secretary-Treasurer shall be the signing officers of the Division.

5. The Past-President shall serve a one year term in office. The Past-President shall, upon taking that office, automatically assume the position of Chair of the Committee on Committees, and shall also perform such duties as directed by the President or assigned by the CASL Executive Council.

a. In the absence or disability of the President during a year when there is no President-Elect, the Past President will perform such duties and exercise such powers of the President as may be assigned by the CASL Executive Council.
b. If a President does not complete a normal term-of-office and thus does not move into the office of Past-President, the CASL Executive Council shall appoint an eligible member in good standing to serve as Past-President. If possible, the appointment shall come from the list of former Presidents.

6. Councillors-at-large shall serve for a term of two years with terms to be rotated so that two Councillors are  elected in one year and one councillor elected the following year. The Councillors-at large shall perform such duties as directed by the President or assigned by the CASL Executive Council.



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