Message from the CASL President
Sandra Hughes
Sandra Hughes is President of the Canadian Association for School Libraries. She can be reached at the following email
Sandra Hughes est présidente de CASL. Vous pouvez la contacter ici
Issue Contents
As spring finally arrives it’s time for CASL executive to build on that sense of revitalization as we head into our Annual CLA Conference with a sense of energy and renewal. As my term as president of CASL comes to an end and I see the excellent work of our Council for this year I see a bright future as we carry our initiatives in communication, organization, and advocacy forward into the new year.
Our CASL website and our SLIC journal have a fresh new look and a new location thanks to the tireless efforts of Richard Beaudry, our President-Elect. Check them out at and and update your bookmarks. Remember, you can also to keep connected with school libraries in Canada with SLiP/PiBS our Canadian school library information portal on the internet, with the CASL listserv, and with our Newsletter, IMPACT. Members can access IMPACT online in addition to receiving the print edition with their password, which can be obtained at It has been a lot of work but our communications system is renewed and easily accessible to help school libraries help children learn.
We have initiated a proposed amendment to the constitution and bylaws regarding the term of office for the President. A concern regarding the amount of time needed to enable the President to develop important initiatives for school libraries in Canada and to participate fully in CLA Council, where other divisions have a 2 year term for President, has led us to a re-examination of Council terms of office. The constitution/bylaw amendment proposal will be brought to the AGM at the annual CLA conference on Friday, May 25th. The proposal has been distributed in a timely manner through our listserv and newsletter, IMPACT. We are looking at keeping the time commitment for the school library leader who is elected Vice President/President-Elect to 4 years. We need you to come to the conference and vote for the amendments.
Our councillor, Mary Louise Mills, has done a tremendous job of coordinating our efforts for National School Library Day this year and I know that if you check the CASL NSLD webpage you will find information about how the celebrations went this year and ideas for October 22, 2007.
CASL executive are connecting with groups across the country to build connections and foster efforts to build support for school library programs. We can see that school library leaders are interested in the support that CASL can offer them through our efforts with CASL-PAC. As a result we will be offering a School Library Leadership Discussion session at the annual CLA conference in May. If you are a school district library leader, association leader, or university professor/lecturer in school librarianship please contact me at for more details. Come to the CLA Conference in St. John’s Newfoundland, May 23 - 27, 2007 and be part of our school libraries discussion.
Sandra Hughes, President CASL
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