When: Friday, Feb 03 | 2:00 pm - 2:45 pm

Location: MTCC 206E

Days: Friday. Event Types: Session. Sectors: Technician. Subjects: Advocacy, Collaboration, and Library Technician.


As more school boards are hiring library technicians, it is important to understand they have a role within the school that is more than simply cataloguing, circulation and shelving. In this session, four library technicians from three different school boards will discuss their diverse roles within their schools in hopes of inspiring others to think beyond the traditional library technician roles. They will explain how they are going beyond stereotypical roles by leading research sessions, collaborating with teachers, creating makerspaces, as well as fostering a lifetime love of reading, and more.

– Learn about how library technicians are working in schools.
– Learn how to utilize library technician skill sets to get the best for your library/Learning commons.
– Gain ideas on what a library technician can do beyond cataloguing.