When: Thursday, Jan 28 | 2:15 pm - 3:30 pm

Location: MTCC 202A

Days: Thursday. Event Types: Session. Sectors: Special Libraries. Subjects: Collections and Readers' Advisory.


Special Libraries exist to facilitate the very serious work of their parent organizations.  The shelves are filled with technical manuals, “business classics” and recommended readings from executive MBA programs.  There is room in these libraries to collect materials beyond the core needs.  I have begun to collect graphic novels to add a new dimension to the business and performance development sections of our library.  These books are primarily non-fiction, relate to aspects of our business, and appeal to different types of learners in the organization.  Comic books are not going to change the mandate of the library but they may help expand your user base.  Many traditional publishers have included graphic novels in their offerings and I think this is a good opportunity to look at what might fit into our collection.

Learning Outcomes
Alternate formats allow additional information sources for different learning styles.
Most special libraries do not collect for “pleasure reading” but this does not mean that “reading for work” can’t be pleasurable.
Empower yourself to try new things with your collection and see what happens.