Find out how two elementary Teacher Librarians continue to make themselves indispensable leaders in their schools. Last year, Mary and Michele shared tips and tools for teacher librarians to collaborate with staff and other TLs to support technology and the inquiry model across any curriculum. This year, Mary is joined by Elizabeth Gordon to share even MORE creative projects that have been tested in the Learning Commons lab. These projects include simple ‘one lesson’ plans, projects using Aurasma to make singing alphabet cards, 3D presentations in FNMI and an award-winning Social Studies Community Gallery Walk, archiving on Twitter, the Global Read Aloud, MakerSpace fun using LEGO StoryStarters and Inquiry projects integrating Mindomo for collaboration – even with another school! Come see how you can be the instigator for discovery in your school. Be ready to play and walk away with goodies! Make your Learning Commons the mixing bowl for all things WONDERful!
Learning Outcomes
Participants will come away with ideas to collaborate with classroom teachers to support curriculum expectations.
Participants will come away with practical tools to demonstrate student learning.
Participants will understand how important it is for Teacher Librarians to become a pivotal part of their communities to keep the role of the TL alive and well.