When: Wednesday, Jan 27 | 10:45 am - 12:00 pm

Location: ICTC Ontario/Niagara

Days: Wednesday. Event Types: Session. Sectors: Health. Subjects: Analytics and Statistics.


The quandary for the CAMH Library has always been how to collect library reference statistics and resource usage data, measure output, AND capture the complex taxonomy of behavioral health terminology.  This is made more challenging in that we  serve a wide range of users, answers a diverse range of questions, and provide many different levels of service. To better meet this challenge, CAMH library staff decided in 2014 to move to Springshare’s LibAnalytics to input, organize, analyze and report data in one place. Come hear this case study on collecting and managing library reference statistics and the library’s transition from one interface to another. Key issues regarding the changeover will be shared including how to start collecting statistics to illuminate the value of library services to different departments within your organizations. Major challenges, bumps in the road, and triumphs will also be addressed.

Learning Outcomes
Collecting reference and usage statistics to demonstrate library value
Selecting the right taxonomy to capture the subject of reference requests
Learning about LibAnalytics

