When: Wednesday, Jan 27 | 4:00 pm - 5:15 pm

Location: MTCC 202B

Days: Wednesday. Event Types: Session. Sectors: General. Subjects: Workplace Safety.


Workplace violence is a growing issue in libraries. Taking every precaution reasonable in the circumstances for the protection of the worker is not only a moral and legal responsability for employers, it is also good management.  Preventing violence can result in reduced sick and stress leave, as well as better job performance.
This session is intended to provide an overview of employer obligations in the area of violence prevention as well as strategies for identification of risk areas, risk elimination, control and organizational resiliency building including system development as well as mechanisms for engagement, communications and accountability.
Through the use of library specific scenarios, the session will provide practical tactics and solutions that employers can use to prevent workplace violence.

Learning Outcomes
Comprehensive understanding of employer obligations in the area of violence prevention;
Comprehensive understanding of the critical components of a prevention strategy including risk assessment, control implementation, communication, engagement as well as the establishment of mechanisms for accountability;
Comprehensive understanding of specific strategies and tactics that can be used in the library sector to prevent workplace violence.

