There is more to becoming a Learning Commons than simply changing the name of the space. The evolution from traditional school structure to a whole-school learning commons is a gradual process, fraught with challenges. One of the most vital roles of the teacher-librarian is to build collaborative relationships within the school community in order to support student learning. Leading Learning: Standards of Practice for School Library Learning Commons in Canada 2014 advises schools to “form a Learning Commons Leadership Team representative of the school community” as the first step in the transition. How do I get the principal and teachers at my school to “buy in” to the whole school Learning Commons vision? Combining the advice from Lubans’ book,Leading from the Middle, Contrarian Essays on Library Leadership, with visionary documents Together for Learning and Leading Learning, I will share the strategies, successes, and stories of the journey so far.
Learning Outcomes
1. First steps at blending T4L and Leading Learning at a grassroots level in a high school library.
2. Collaboration between teacher-librarian and teachers to support student learning.
3. Educating teachers and principal re: benefits of the Learning Commons philosophy.
(Note: This session is formerly titled If You Brand It, They Will Come)