When: Thursday, Jan 28 | 11:20 am - 12:00 pm

Location: ICTC Ontario

Days: Thursday. Event Types: Session. Sectors: General. Subjects: Advocacy and Learning Commons.


Library labs come in a variety of forms from Makerlabs to Information Literacy classrooms but, like all labs, are focussed on interactive student learning. The learning process is practical, instructive and by definition ‘hands on’. A library lab offers tangible, creative, pedagogical opportunities for all students to gain experiential learning in digital and information literacies.  Yet, getting a library lab built presents a variety of challenges: money, space and support being primary obstacles. Another, often underrated obstacle is readiness.  We will discuss our experience with getting a library lab approved and built.  We will also offer advice on identifying needs, researching the project, drafting a proposal and, shepherding the proposal once it is submitted.  This last step involves guiding your library lab proposal through committees and pitching it at meetings, sometimes against competing proposals.  We hope to offer guidance on how to build a successful case for a library lab.

Learning Outcomes
1. Learn about the basic elements of a library lab pitch.

2. Develop a library lab proposal.

3. Make the case for a library lab to senior administration.

