A Journal of the Canadian Association for School Libraries


A letter from the Editor

Richard Beaudry

Richard Beaudry is president of CASL and is a teacher-librarian with the Langley School District. He has a teacher-librarianship diploma and has completed a Master's in Education in Information Technology/Literacy and the Master's in Library, Archives and Information Studies from UBC.

Issue Contents


Welcome back to SLIC everyone. It has been a rather long time since our last issue but I am hopeful that, with this last issue as the editor, and a new issue coming out in a few weeks with a new editor that we will be getting back on track.

I can certainly take some of the blame for the delay. Having accepted the position of editor and then getting elected president of CASL while studying at university and working as a teacher librarian gave me limited time to work of getting the articles needed to be the editor of SLIC.

The other issue that we have dealt with is the retirement of several of out long-term collaborators and this was a huge loss for SLIC.

To facilitate the continuation of SLIC, we set about finding a new editor for the online Journal. Entering stage right is Derrick Grose, teacher librarian at Lisgar Collegiate Institute in Ottawa. We met with Derrick last fall and he has experience and lots of interesting ideas in promoting and publishing SLIC. At this time, he will take on the task as a guest editor but I am encouraged that he is interested in the position long-term. I am publishing this last issue as Editor of SLIC. The editorial board at CASL has decided that, for now, we will publish three issues a year rather than the four we have been working on. So this issue is Volume 26 Issue 3 and the next one will be Volume 27 issue 1.

I have another 5 months as president of CASL and have quite a few items to deal with but I am taking on one last major project for the next year and that is the 2nd Edition of Achieving Information Literacy. We have contacted all the contributors of the first edition and many have gladly accepted to update their information. For those who have declined, we will be looking for new contributors within the ranks of school librarians, district teacher librarians, researchers and library professionals across the country. If you are interested in contributing to the 2nd edition, please contact us at CASL.

I will be forming an editorial board for the 2nd edition that will consist of three people from a school library, a district and a ministry level professional to assist in the task of editing this new edition.

Being the editor of SLIC was a learning experience and while I relinquish my role as editor, I intend to continue as a regular contributor in further issues.

As always, we are on the lookout for contributors and our editor Derrick Grose is looking forward to hearing from you.

And so I exit stage left...


Richard Beaudry


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