A Journal of the Canadian Association for School Libraries


Resources from StatsCan/Ressources de Statistiques Canada

Marion Smith

Marion Smith is the Education Consultant for Statistics Canada in B.C. and Yukon.
email: Marion.Smith@statcan.ca
Statistics Canada   600-300 West Georgia Street Vancouver BC V6B 6C7
Government of Canada

Marion Smith est la consultante en éducation pour Statistiques Canada en Colombie Britannique et au Yukon
courriel: Marion.Smith@statcan.ca
Statistique Canada   600-300 rue Georgia Ouest Vancouver BC V6B 6C7
Gouvernement du Canada

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Statistics Canada website, www.statcan.ca

Statistics Canada is Canada’s national statistical agency. It collects and publishes a wide range of information about the land, the people, the economy and the nation.

Find these links on the Statistics Canada sidebar:

  • Learning Resources is a special section for teachers, students and postsecondary users. Here, you will find links to lesson plans, teachers’ kits and information widely used in the classroom. Two key links are E-STAT and Census at School.
  • E-STAT is a powerful tool that allows students to search and choose data, and turn them into tables, graphs or maps to suit their needs. Access is free, but schools must register. E-STAT contains detailed data from recent censuses for every province/territory, county/regional district and municipality, right down to neighborhoods in large urban areas, as well as historical census data. You'll also find chronological data from more than 250 social and economic surveys in the CANSIM database, and key resources such as Human Activity and the Environment. 
  • Census at School is an international, online statistical literacy project that uses your students’ own data in the teaching of measurement and statistical analysis. Students enjoy digging into their own data, producing their own graphs and analyzing the results. Website: www.censusatschool.ca, www.recensementecole.ca.
  • The Daily reports new releases each day. This is an excellent place for research because The Daily provides a short article, including charts and graphs, on each topic, and also links to any online publication or related CANSIM tables. DO NOT click on these CANSIM ($) links; instead, copy them down and find them free in E-STAT (see above).
  • Community Profiles help you find selected information from the most recent census about any community in Canada (cities, towns, villages, Indian reserves). Interactive features allow you to compare two communities with each other, call up a map and build your own custom profile.
  • Census data for the most recent and previous censuses are available under the Census link. You'll also find animated multimedia presentations such as population pyramids for each province/territory, the Census Dictionary and census questionnaires.

Support for educators: Free print publications include “Statistics Canada’s Learning Resources”, an 8-page journal; and “Canada at a Glance”, a 26-page booklet of Canadian data. The “Learning Resources Bulletin” is e-mailed every 2 months. Subscribe through http://www.statcan.ca/english/edu/news.htm. All are available in English and/or French. Contact your regional representative for assistance through http://www.statcan.ca/english/edu/reps-tea.htm.


Note de la rédaction (NDLR) - Les sites mentionnés ci-haut sont aussi disponibles en Français:

Statistiques Canada - http://www.statcan.ca/menu-fr.htm

Statistiques Canada - Nouvelles et Forum - http://www.statcan.ca/francais/edu/news_f.htm

Soutien régional - http://www.statcan.ca/francais/edu/reps-tea_f.htm


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