A Journal of the Canadian Association for School Libraries


Resources for Teachers/Ressources pour enseignants

Here are some websites to assist teachers in using the Internet, teaching with technology, and finding lessons plans and resources.

Voici des sites hypertoiles pour assister les enseignants à comprendre l'Internet, enseigner avec la technologie, et trouver des plans de cours et ressources éducatives.

Issue Contents | Table des Matières



Eduhound - Everything for Education K - 12


High School Ace - The Academic Homepage for High School Students


Chem4Kids - Elementary Science



NASA Kids Only - Earth Science Entreprise


TeacherTeach - Sharing Technology Tools withTeachers
Answers.com - Teacher Toolkit
Discovery.com - Lesson Plans
Cyberscol - Projets éducatifs
WebLettres - le portail de l'enseignement des lettres
Launch Site - Professeurs et parents
Bienvenue sur le site éducation@canada, votre fenêtre sur le monde de l'éducation au Canada.
Federal Resources for Educational Excellence :1500 free resources, ranging from primary historical documents, lesson plans, science visualizations, math simulations and online challenges, paintings, photos, mapping tools, and more
Open Educational Resources: a teaching and learning network offering a broad selection of materials that are free and open to use
Wikibooks: a collection of free content textbooks that you can edit


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ISSN 1710-8535 School Libraries in Canada Online


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