A Journal of the Canadian Association for School Libraries


Message from the CASL President

Sandra Hughes

Sandra Hughes is President of the Canadian Association for School Libraries. She can be reached at the following email

Sandra Hughes est présidente de CASL. Vous pouvez la contacter ici

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We are now well into the school year and it’s time for CASL executive to update you on several developments – our new interim website, the highlights of our first full executive meeting, National School Library Day, and our outreach efforts.

Our CASL website has a fresh new look and a new location thanks to the tireless efforts of Richard Beaudry, our President-Elect. Check it out at http://www.cla.ca/casl/index.html and update your bookmarks. Remember you can also keep connected with school libraries in Canada with SLiP/PiBS our Canadian school library information portal on the internet, with the CASL listserv, with our online journal, SLIC, and our Newsletter, IMPACT.

Our new executive met in Toronto, September 29 – October 1, 2006. We had a series of intense and productive council meetings. Highlights include the initiating of the awards committee for 2006. Awards nominations are to be in by February, 28th. Check the CASL website for details at http://www.cla.ca/casl/awards.html. Our Strategic Action Plan for 2007 was updated too and we initiated a proposed amendment to the bylaws regarding the term of office for the President. A concern regarding the amount of time needed to enable the President to develop important initiatives for school libraries in Canada and to participate fully in CLA Council, where other divisions have a 2 year term for President, has led us to a re-examination of Council terms of office. The bylaw amendment proposal will be brought to the AGM at the annual CLA conference. We are looking at keeping the time commitment for the school library leader who is elected Vice President/President-Elect to 4 years. The posting of the election information below and on the CLA website shows the current term of office.

Elections for two positions, Vice President/President-Elect (3 year commitment), and Councillor-at-Large (2 year term), and Secretary (2 year term) starting May 2007 are coming up shortly. Additional CASL nominations must be received by February 25, 2007. Details on how to make a nomination can be found at http://www.cla.ca/elections07/index.htm.

National School Library Day was a great success again this year, with Councillor Mary Louise Mills’ leadership. Several provinces strongly supported the day. Many celebrations were held across the country in coordination with Canadian Library Month and International School Library Day. If you haven’t sent your celebration ideas, pictures and information to Mary Louise at mlmills@accesswave.ca , please do. She will be sharing ideas in a number of ways for next year’s celebrations.

CASL executive are connecting with groups across the country to build links and foster efforts to build support for school library programs. We can see that school library leaders are interested in the support that CASL can offer them through our efforts with CASL-PAC. As a result we will be focusing on program for leaders in the field of school librarianship at the annual CLA conference in May. Come to the CLA Conference in St. John’s Newfoundland, May 23 - 27, 2007 and hear more about leadership in and for school libraries and how you can help. Sandra Hughes, President CASL

Sandra Hughes, President CASL


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