Message from the President and President Elect
Marlene Turkington and Sandra Hughes
Marlene Turkington, President and Sandra Hughes, President Elect, Canadian Association for School Libraries. They can be reached at email:
Issue Contents
It’s that time of year again when there are lots of changes happening in school libraries to complete this school year and prepare for the coming school year. CASL follows the same timetable of change and so we need to update our members regarding our changes for September, 2006.
CASL Executive:
Our annual conference in June marks the end of some executive members’ terms of office and the beginning of others’. It is time for us to say thank you for the dedication to school libraries, hard work and significant contributions of our joint Past-Presidents, Marlene Asselin and Gloria Hersak. Achieving Information Literacy and the research study Canadian School Libraries and Teacher-Librarians: Results from the 2003/04 Information and Communications Technologies in Schools Survey are only two of their many achievements for school libraries. Our thanks go to our Councilor-at-Large, Rick Mulholland, who has poured his considerable energies into making National School Library Day a key celebration in the school year across Canada . We are most grateful for their continuing efforts on behalf of school libraries in Canada and wish them all the best.
We welcome Councilor-at-Large, Mary Louise Mills of Halifax , Nova Scotia . Although elections are completed, the Vice President/President-Elect (3 year commitment) position is now open as the successful candidate has had to withdraw for personal reasons. We will be taking nominations from the floor at the AGM and voting if there is more than one nomination.
CASL Publications:
It is with regret that we have accepted the resignation of Jennifer Branch.
We extend our thanks and appreciation for all the work she has done for CSLA and CASL over the years. Her goal to help teacher-librarians and other school library staff has been met over and over again and will long be remembered. We wish only the best for her as life takes her on different paths of travel and work. We look forward to
seeing Jennifer's efforts and dedication in new projects as they emerge in the world of libraries as her talents should not go untapped.
Jennifer Branch and Mack Male were instrumental in making the transition of SLIC to an online journal a successful one. It could not have happened without the two of them working as a team - putting in all the long hours, time and energy. SLIC has always maintained a high standard of quality and the many school library staffs across Canada look to it as their guide for up to date information. No one can thank Jennifer enough for all of her efforts, her caring, her devotion, her time, her going well beyond the call of duty. Jennifer's dedication to SLIC has set the standard high and will forever be appreciated by all those who read it.
SLIC will be moving to a new website at the CLA office in the next few months. We appreciate Jennifer and Mack's offer of assisting us as we go through the process of transition. We will keep in mind Jennifer's high bar of standards as we begin our search for a new SLIC editor for the FALL of 2006.
We want to honour Jennifer's work by trying to do our best to understand her setup of SLIC and the creation of themes for each issue. The format of SLIC and in print has been a successful one and one that the majority of its readers enjoy.
We appreciate the participation of Jennifer and Mack in helping SLIC find a new online home and to let them know that SLIC will receive the TLC it needs in the coming years.
Best wishes to Jennifer as she begins her year of travel to Europe and to Mack Male as he pursues new business and career adventures.
CASL Activities:
The October issue of Feliciter is featuring school libraries, their importance, the good things that they are doing for students and the impact on student learning. The idea behind the Feliciter issue (Vol. 52, #5) on school libraries is not to moan about the sorry state of them but rather to look forward, suggest solutions, showcase what is good, and discuss the value of school libraries as well as what the optimum might look like. We need articles submitted and pictures. We encourage you to submit an article to us for consideration. The deadline for the articles is August 01, 2006.
National School Library Day will be part of Canadian Library Month this year. A poster and kit are being developed for Canadian Library Month.
The 2007 CLA Annual Conference will be held in St. John’s Newfoundland , May 23-26. Proposals for presentations will be required by CASL executive by September, 2006.
Be a part of our preparations for the coming year for school libraries. Come to the CLA Conference in Ottawa , June 14-17, 2006.
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