About Statistics Canada Information
Statistics Canada publications come in several different formats (print, CD-ROM or downloadable from the Internet). Some are free and some require payment.
Free Information from the Internet
A large number of free publications are available as downloadable PDF files. They are all listed at http://www.statcan.ca >Our products and services >Free publications.
Hundreds of free articles selected from Statistics Canada publications are listed by theme in E-STAT at http://www.statcan.ca >Learning resources >E-STAT. These are deemed suitable for high schools. Schools must register online to be a member of E-STAT.
Free analytical studies (research papers) are available at http://www.statcan.ca >Studies.
From Statistics Canada's analytic periodicals, which are for sale, some selected free articles are available at http://www.statcan.ca >Our products and services >In Depth.
Fee ($) Publications
Fee($) publications include print and downloadable Internet publications. Educational institutions are eligible for a 30% discount on print publications if they order by phone at 1-800-263-1136. Discounts do not apply to downloadable Internet publications or orders placed online.
Selected Bibliography
* free downloadable Internet publication available at http://www.statcan.ca
** articles are free in E-STAT at http://www.statcan.ca
Canada at a Glance. Free 24-page booklet containing over 60 tables, including demographic, education, health, justice, housing, income, labour market, economic, travel, financial and foreign trade statistics, as well as international comparisons. Catalogue no. 12-581-XPE (English), 12-581-XPF (French). Online PDF version can be downloaded from http://www.statcan.ca:8083/english/freepub/12-581-XIE/12-581-XIE01001.pdf Paper editions can be ordered online http://www.statcan.ca >Learning Resources > Teachers > Recommended publications > Free publications.
Lesson plan: http://www.statcan.ca/english/kits/glanc1.htm
Canada Year Book. First published in 1886 and is regarded as a standard reference source for most libraries. It includes feature articles, tables, charts and analysis to form a comprehensive overview of Canadian life and issues today: current events, culture, geography, economy, demography, government, industry, and more. Highlights from the census and hundreds of surveys make this a publication of record. This flagship publication is now published every two years. Catalogue no. 11-402-XPE (English), 11-402-XPF (French). $65. Teachers' kit: http://www.statcan.ca/english/kits/intro.htm
Canadian Agriculture at a Glance.
Written at an average Grade 10 reading level, but the analysis and supporting graphs, tables, photographs and supplemental information broaden its usefulness for teachers of lower or higher grades. Its content was designed to be clear for students at a basic level of understanding, but stimulating enough to lead more senior students to related research and study. Although agriculture-themed, the exercises in the teachers' kit are widereaching in the subjects they touch: from eating habits, environmental issues and creative writing, to mathematics, computer spreadsheets, history and global economics. Catalogue no. 96-325-XPB, fully bilingual, $49. 320 pages, colour photos, maps, graphs. Teachers’ kit, sample pages and TOC: http://www.statcan.ca/english/kits/agric/intro.htm
**Canadian Social Trends. This magazine discusses current social, economic, and demographic changes affecting the lives of Canadians. Articles are accompanied by photographs, tables and/ or graphs. Issues also contain the latest figures for major social indicators. Most current articles are available free in E-STAT. Catalogue no. 11-008-XPE, 11-008-XPF, quarterly pub., $11 per issue, $36 per year. The Lesson plan in issue contains suggestions for classroom use and is also available online at http://www.statcan.ca/english/kits/social.htm.
Canada, A Portrait. 2000 edition. Presents an overview or portrait of the social, economic and cultural life of Canada today, enhanced through historic flashbacks of Canadian social and cultural achievement and political milestones over the last century. Six chapters feature "The Land", "The People", "The Society", "Arts and Leisure", "The Economy", and "Canada in the World". Included are text, charts and numerous high-quality colour photographs. A coffee table book. Catalogue no. 11-403-XPE, 11-403-XPF, $47.95 paper.
*Censuses of Canada, 1665 to 1871, Statistics of Canada, Volume IV. Printed in Ottawa in 1876. This volume contains about 350 statistical tables on the social and economic conditions in Canada from the earliest settlements to 1871. The results from 98 censuses are arranged in chronological order, with some explanatory notes. The Introduction is a free downloadable document in HTML and PDF versions. Tabs include: Early Exploration, Early French Settlements, Early English Settlements, Acadians, Upper Canada & Loyalists, The 1800s, Aboriginal Peoples, and Place Names. The statistical tables are available through E-STAT. Catalogue no. 98-187-XIE, 98-187-XIF, free Internet pub. http://www.statcan.ca/english/freepub/98-187-XIE/free.htm.
Lesson plans: http://www.statcan.ca/english/freepub/98-187-XIE/lesson.htm
*Farming Facts. This short report presents, in graphic, tabular and textual form, a variety of information about agriculture in Canada. Suitable for Grade 6. Includes quiz in the form of an online crossword. Catalogue no. 21-522-XPE, - XPF, paper; 21-522-XIE, -XIF, Internet, free, appr. 20 pages. http://www.statcan.ca/english/freepub/21-522-XIE/free.htm.
*Health Indicators. Produced by Statistics Canada and the Canadian Institute for Health Information (CIHI). It provides a set of indicators measuring the health of the Canadian population and the health care system. Health indicators are designed to provide comparable information at the health region and provincial/ territorial level, and are based on standard definitions and methods. Catalogue no. 82-221-XIE or -XIF. http://www.statcan.ca/english/freepub/82-221-XIE/free.htm.
*Historical Statistics of Canada, Second Edition. Contains appr. 1,088 statistical tables on the growth and development of Canada from the start of Confederation in 1867 to the mid-1970s. This unique reference volume was published in 1983 as a hard copy publication. Out of print for many years, it was scanned and re-captured in electronic form as text and tables. The electronic version is a free downloadable document: text as HTML pages and all tables as individual spreadsheets in a comma delimited format (CSV). This document is also available in its entirety in PDF (23 separate PDFs). Catalogue numbers 11-516-XIE, 11-516-XIF, free Internet. http://www.statcan.ca/english/freepub/11-516-XIE/free.htm.
**Human Activity and the Environment 2000. Provides a statistical picture of Canada's environment with special emphasis on human activity and its relationship to natural systems’air, water, soil, plants and animals. Chapters: Current environmental issues, Natural Background, Driving forces, Natural resources, Ecosystems and well-being, Responses and participation. Catalogue no. 11-509-XPE, -XPF. Book and CD-ROM package $75. Colour maps, tables, graphs. An excellent library resource for Social Studies, elementary Science, and Geography. Most of the CD contents are free in E-STAT, except for the EcoGraf, a spatial analysis tool for creating maps and graphs.
**Annual update: Human Activity and the Environment: Annual statistics 2002. Highlights from 73 current data tables. Catalogue no.16-201-XPE, -XPF, $40. Available free in E-STAT. Lesson plans: http://www.statcan.ca/english/kits/human.htm
Census Publications
* 2001 Census Dictionary. Provides detailed information on all of the concepts, universes, variables and geographic terms of the 2001 Census. The information provided for each variable includes a definition, the associated census question(s), the applicable response categories or classifications and special notes, for instance, on historical aspects. New this year in the Internet version is the inclusion of supplemental plain language definitions for certain variables, without census or Statistics Canada jargon, to help users better understand the meaning of the definitions. Catalogue no. 92-378-XPE or -XPF, paper, $25; 92-378- XIE01000 or 92-378-XIF01000, free Internet pub. (376 pages). http://www.statcan.ca/english/census2001/dict/war.htm.
*2001 Census Handbook. A reference tool covering every aspect of the 2001 Census of Population and Census of Agriculture. It provides an overview of every phase of the census, from determining the content to disseminating the results. Catalogue no. 92-379-XPB, bilingual, $25; 92-379-XIE, free downloadable pub. http://www.statcan.ca/english/IPS/Data/92-379-XIE.htm.
Business Studies - Marketing
Market Research Handbook. Comprehensive
source of socioeconomic statistics used by those who study the Canadian consumer market – market researchers, strategists, product planners and sales leaders. The broad range of data are relevant to consumer and business-to- business marketing. Includes profiles of key industries including the small business sector, as well as consumers in all provinces and 45 major cities, international trade data and population projections. Catalogue no. 63-224-XPB, paper, bilingual, $125; 62-224-XIB, PDF, bilingual, $94. Table of Contents: http://www.statcan.ca/english/IPS/Data/63-224-XPB.htm
* Guide to the Labour Force Survey. The Labour Force Survey provides monthly data on employment/unemployment in Canada. This reference publication contains a dictionary of concepts and definitions and covers topics such as survey methodology, data collection, data processing and data quality. It also contains information on products and services, sub-provincial geography descriptions as well as the survey questionnaire. Catalogue no. 71-543-GIE (English) or -GIF (French), free Internet pub. http://www.statcan.ca/english/freepub/71-543-GIE/free.htm.
Lesson plan: http://www.statcan.ca/english/kits/youth/emplo1.htm
Business and Home Economics/ Family Studies
Cost of Living
*Your Guide to the Consumer Price Index. This publication was prepared for the general public interested in obtaining a brief non-technical introduction the Consumer Price Index (CPI). It answers some of the more frequently asked questions relating to the construction, interpretation and use of this index. Changes in the CPI are commonly referred to as the increase/decrease in the cost of living or inflation rate. Catalogue no. 62-557- XIB, bilingual, free Internet pub. http://www.statcan.ca/english/freepub/62-557-XIB/free.htm.
A Portrait of Seniors in Canada. Third edition. This report depicts the demographic characteristics, living arrangements and family situation, housing, health, education, work patterns and related activities, income and expenditures, and lifestyles of the population aged 65 and over, and in some cases, by senior age groups. Sources include the census as well as other surveys such as the National Population Health Survey, General Social Survey, and Survey of Consumer Finances. Catalogue no. 89-519-XPE or -XPF, paper, $45.
*Caring Canadians, Involved Canadians: Highlights from the 2000 National Survey of Giving, Volunteering and Participating. Catalogue no. 71- 542-XIE or -XIF, free downloadable pub.; or 71-542-XPE or -XPF, paper, $15. http://www.statcan.ca/english/IPS/Data/71-542-XPE.htm.
Women in Canada. Comprehensive statistical profile of the evolving status of women in Canadian society, with details on their demographic characteristics, family arrangements, health, education, employment and unpaid work activity, income, housing, and criminal victimization. This 300-page report also includes separate sections describing the situations of immigrant women, women in the visible minority community, Aboriginal women and senior women. Catalogue no. 89-503-XPE or -XPF, $45, paper. * Updates for the Work Chapter are available at http://www.statcan.ca under Our Products and Services >Free Publications >Sort by subject >Labour or http://www.statcan.ca/english/freepub/89F0133XIE/free.htm.
Justice and Law
*Canadian Centre for Justice Profile Series. This is a series of ten profiles that provide data analysis on the experience of various groups as victims and offenders in the criminal justice system. Profiled groups: aboriginal peoples, disability, literacy problems, low income, youth, immigrants, religious groups, seniors, visible minorities, and women. Catalogue no. 85F0033MIE or -MIF, free downloadable pub. http://www.statcan.ca/english/freepub/85F0033MIE/free.htm.
*Graphical Overview of the Criminal Justice Indicators, 1999-2000. Presents commented graphs of various indicators such as crime rates for different types of crimes, criminal court activity and victimization rates. Catalogue no. 85-227-XIE or -XIF, PDF available free in E-STAT.
*Family Violence in Canada: A Statistical Profile 2001. This annual report is part of an ongoing initiative to inform the public about family violence issues and provides current data on the nature and extent of family violence incidents in Canada and trends over time. Catalogue no. 85-224-XIE or -XIF, freedownloadable pub. Free paper version from Health Canada, see note at http://www.statcan.ca/english/IPS/Data/85-224-XIE.htm.
See other free downloadable publications on justice at http://www.statcan.ca >Our products and services >Free publications.
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