A Journal of the Canadian Association for School Libraries


Literature Relating to Mathetmatics for Elementary Schools


The SOURCES issue of School Libraries in Canada (SLIC) provides a compilation of useful sources of information for teachers and teacher-librarians.

Issue Contents


Addition and Subtraction

100 Days Of School, Trudy Harris

12 Ways To Get To 11, Eve Merriam

Annie's One To Ten, Annie Owen

Bears, Ten By Ten, Jack Beers

Candy Counting, Lisa McCourt

Counting Kids, Annie Kubler

Counting On Friends, Colleen Jones

Dealing With Addition, Lynette Long

Domino Addition, Lynette Long

Each Orange Has 8 Slices: A Counting Book, Paul Giganti

Elevator Magic, Murphy

Feet Go Two By Two, Adria Klein

Fingers Go Five By Five, Jack Beers

Fish Eyes: A Book You Can Count On, Ehlert

Five Little Monkeys Jumping on the Bed, Christelow

Get Up and Go!, Stuart Murphy

Hershey Kisses Addition Book, The, Jerry Pallotta

Hershey Kisses Subtraction Book, The, Jerry Pallotta

How Do We Use Money?, Elspeth Leacock

How Many Is Fifty?, Ginger Summers

In and Out the Toy Box, Adria Klein

Jelly Beans for Sale!, Bruce McMillan

M & M's Counting Book, Barbara McGrath

Making Twelve Party Bags, Colleen Jones

Miss Spider's Tea Party, David Kirk

Mission Addition, Loreen Leedy

Monster Math Picnic, MacCarone

Once There Were Twelve, Elspeth Leacock

One Guinea Pig is Not Enough, Duke

One Less Fish, Kim Michelle Toft

Puppies In, Puppies Out, Linda Ekblad

Quack And Count, Keith Baker

Ready, Set, Hop, Stuart Murphy

Sea Sums, Joy Hulme

Shark Swimathon, Stuart Murphy

Shopping Basket, The, John Burningham

Sea Sums, Joy Hulme

Spending Dimes One At A Time, Adria Klein

Splash, Jonas

Subtraction Action, Loreen Leedy

Ten Sly Piranhas, Wise

Ten Terrible Dinosaurs, Paul Strickland

Ten Tiny Monsters, Sheila White Samton

Tens and Ones Together, Pansy Cowder

Too Many Kangaroo Things Do To!, Stuart Murphy

Twenty is Too Many, Duke

Twenty More Or Less, Linda Ekblad - Algebraic Thinking

512 Ants On Sullivan Street, The, Carol Losi

Bat Jamboree, Kathi Appelt

Beep Beep Vroom Vroom, Stuart Murphy

Dinosaur Deals, Stuart Murphy

Even Steven And Odd Todd, Kathryn Cristoldi

Gebra Named Al, A, Wendy Isdell

How Many, How Many, How Many, Rick Walton

Math Wiz, The, Betsy Duffey

Missing Mittens, Stuart Murphy

More Sideways Arithmetic From Wayside School, Louis Sachar

Safari Park, Stuart Murphy

Seaweed Soup, Stuart Murphy

Sideways Arithmetic From Wayside School, Louis, Sachar

What Comes in 2's, 3's, and 4's?, Suzanne Aker

Calendar Connections

Alligators and Others All Year Long! A Book of Months, Dragonwagon

Busy Year, A, Leo Lionni

Calendar Bears: A Book of Months, Hague

Calendars of the World, Margo Westerheim

Canadian Days, Magdalen Bear

Chicken Soup with Rice, Sendak

Cookies Week, Ward

Day by Day A Week Goes Round, Shields

January Rides the Wind: A Book of Poems for Children, Otten

Month by Month a Year Goes Round, Shields

Months Of The Year, Paul Hughes

Official M&M's Book Of The Millennium, Larry Brimner

Snowy Flowy Blowy: A Twelve Months Rhyme

Story of Time And Clocks, Anita Ganeri

Time, Colin Walker

Very Hungry Caterpillar, The, Eric Carle

When This Box is Full, Lillie Counting & Number Sense

1 Hunter, Pat Hutchins

1, 2, 3, Philip Hawthorn

1, 2, 3 Thanksgiving, W. Nikola-Lisa

1, 2, 3 To The Zoo: A Counting Book, Eric Carle

100 Days of School, The, Trudy Harris

100th Day of School, Angela Shelf Medearis

100th Day Worries, Margery Cuyler

10 For Dinner, Jo Ellen Bogart

3 x 3: Three By Three, James Kruss

26 Letters and 99 Cents, Tana Hoban

All In The Morning Early, Leclaire Alger

Animal Numbers, Bert Kitchen

Anno's Counting Book, Mitsumasa Anno

Ants Go Marching, The, Jeffrey Scherer

Baseball Counting Book, The, McGrath

Bears on Wheels, Stan Berenstain

Ben Franklin and the Magic Squares, Frank Murphy

Betcha!, Stuart Murphy

Brian Wildsmith's 1, 2, 3's, Brian Wildsmith

Bubblemania, Sheila Dalton

Bunches and Bunches of Bunnies, Matthews

Caribbean Counting Book, Faustin

Case of the Backyard Treasure, The, Joanne Rocklin

Cheerios Counting Book, Bolster

Chicken Little Count To Ten, Margaret Friskey

Count!, Fleming

Count And See, Tana Hoban

Count The Cats, Erika Weihs

Count Your Way Through Canada, James Haskins

Count Your Way Through China, James Haskins

Count Your Way Through Japan, James Haskins

Count Your Way Through Russia, James Haskins

Count-a-Saurus, Nancy Blumenthal

Counting Crocodiles, Sierra

Counting on Christmas, Nancy Tafuri

Counting Penguins, Caroline Walton Howe

Counting Rhymes, Jan Gleiter

Counting Sheep, John Archambault

Counting Sheep, Julie Glass

Counting Wildflowers, Bruce McMillan

Crayon Counting Book, The, Ryan & Pallotta

Dad! I Can't Sleep, Michael Foreman

Demi's Count the Animals 1-2-3

Each Orange Has 8 Slices, Paul Giganti

Emily's First 100 Days at School, Rosemary Wells

Even Steven and Odd Todd, Kathryn Cristaldi

Every Buddy Counts, Murphy

Feast for 10, Falwell

Five Little Monkeys Jumping on the Bed, Christelow

Frogs Jump: A Counting Book, Brooks

From One to One Hundred, Sloat

From One To Ten and Back Again, Ken Wagner

Give a Dog a Bone, Steven Kellogg

Gray Rabbit’s 1, 2, 3, Baker

Gummy Candy Counting Book, Hutchings

Henry the Fourth, Stuart Murphy

How Many Feet in the Bed?, Hamm

How Many Feet? How Many Tails?, Marilyn Burns

How Many Snails?, Giganti

How Much Is A Million?, David M. Schwartz

I Can Count More, Dick Bruna

I can count to 100 - Can You? - Katherine Howard

If You Can Count To Ten, Howard Fehr

Just Enough Carrots, Stuart Murphy

Kellogg's Froot Loops!, Barbier

King's Commissioners, Aileen Friedman

Know Your Numbers, Tim O'Halloran

M & M's Counting Book, Barbars McGrath

Mice Twice, Low

Miss Bindergarten Celebrates the 100th Day, Joseph Slate

Monster Math, Grace Maccarone

More Than One, Miriam Schlein

Most Amazing Hide-And-Seek Counting Book, The, Robert Crowther

Mouse Count, Felicia Law and Suzanne Chandler

My First 1, 2, 3 Book, Sebastian Conran

My First Number Book, Marie Heinst

No Dodos: The Endangered Species Counting Book, Amanda Wallwork

Norman Rockwell's Counting Book, Glorina Taborin

Number of Dragons, A, Loreen Leedy

Numbers, Richard Allington

Numbers, Gillian Youldon

Numbers At Play: A Counting Book, Charles Sullivan

One Crow A Counting Rhyme, Aylesworth

One Duck, Another Duck, Charlotte Pomerantz

One Gorilla: A Counting Book, Morozumi

One Grey Mouse, Katherine Burton

One Hungry Cat, Burns

One Hungry Monster, Susan O'Keefe

One Nose, Two Hands, Jocelyn Graeme

One Potato, Pomeroy

One Sun in the Sky, Beverley Randell

One, Two, One Pair!, Bruce McMillan

One Watermelon Seed, Celia Lottridge

One Yellow Lion, Matthew Van Fleet

Over in the Meadow, Ezra Jack Keats

Over on the Farm, Gwenda Turner

Puzzlers, Bill Oakes

Shopping Basket, The, John Burningham

Simon and the Snowflakes, Gilles Tibo

Splash!: A Penguin Counting Book, Chester

Teddy Bears 1 To 10, Susanne Gretz

Ten Black Dots, Crews

Ten Bright Eyes, Judy Hindley

Ten Little Ladybugs, Melanie Gerth

Ten Little Rabbits, Grossman

Ten, Nine, Eight, Bang

Ten Tall Giraffes, Brian Moses

Tinker, Tailor, Soldier, Sailor, Maureen Roffey

Toothpaste Millionaire, The, Jean Merrill

Trucks You Can Count On, Doug Magee

Twelve Circus Rings, Seymour Chwast

Two Crazy Pigs, Nagel

Two Ways to Count to Ten, Dee

Underwater Counting: Even Numbers, Jerry Pallotta

Usborne First Numbers, Jo Litchfield

What Comes in 2's, 3's and 4's?, Suzanne Aker

What's In The Cupboard?, Rosemary Reuille

Who's Counting?, Nancy Tafuri

Wildlife 123: A Nature Counting Book, Jan Thornhill

World Of Wonders: A Trip Through Numbers, Starr Ockenga


Decimals and Percent, Steve Marcy

Eating Fractions, Bruce McMillan

Fraction Action, Loreen Leedy

Fraction Fun, David Adler

Fractions, Sara Pistoia

Fractions and Decimals, Karen Bryant-Mole

Fractions Are Parts of Things, Richard Dennis

Gator Pie, Mathews

Give Me Half!, Stuart Murphy

Hershey Milk Chocolate Bar Fractions Book, Jerry Pallotta

How Many Candles?, Helen Griffith

Jump, Kangaroo, Jump!, Stuart Murphy

The Doorbell Rang, Hutchins

The Hershey's Milk Chocolate Bar Fractions Book, Pallotta

Skittles Riddles Math, Barbara McGrath Geometry & Spatial Sense

Amazing Book Of Shapes, Lydia Sharman

Bear in a Square, Stella Blackstone

Boxes, Rose Griffiths

Captain Invincible And The Space Shapes, Stuart Murphy

Changes, Changes, Hutchins

Circles, Rose Griffiths

Circles And Squares, Sally Morgan

Circles, Triangles and Squares, Tana Hoban

Color Farm, Ehlert

Cubes, Cones, Cylinders, & Spheres, Hoban

Eight Hands Round: A Patchwork Alphabet, Ann Whitford Paul

Grandfather Tang's Story, Ann Tompert

Greedy Triangle, The, Burns

Hands-On Marvelous Ball Book, The, Bradford Hansen-Smith

Janice VanCleave's Geometry For Every Kid, Janice VanCleave

Let's Fly A Kite, Stuart Murphy

Look Around: A Book About Shapes, Leonard Everett Fisher

Look Twice, Duncan Birmingham

M Is For Mirror, Duncan Birmingham

Measures, David Kirkby

Patterns, Ivan Bulloch

Patterns, David Kirkby

Patterns, Francesca Motisi

Pigs In The Corner, Amy Axelrod

Pigs on the Ball: Fun With Math and Sports, Amy Axelrod

Rectangles, Jack Beers

Red Bear's Fun With Shapes, Bodel Rikys

Round and Square, Schlein

Sea Shapes, Suse MacDonals

Seasons Sewn, The, Ann Whitford Paul

Secret Birthday Message, The, Carle

Shape, Henry Arthur Pluckrose

Shape And Space, David Kirkby

Shape Game, The, Pansy Cowder

Shape Of Me And Other Stuff, The, Dr. Seuss

Shape Of Things, The, Dayle Ann Dodds

Shape Space, Cathryn Falwell

Shape Up!, David Adler

Shapes, Ivan Bulloch

Shapes, Salina Yoon

Shapes: A Book, John Reiss

Shapes And Cubes, Sally Morgan

Shapes Game, The, Paul Rogers

Shapes, Shapes, Shapes, Tana Hoban

Silly Story of Goldie Locks and the Three Squares, The, Grace Maccarone

So Many Circles, So Many Squares, Tana Hoban

Squares, Linda Ekblad

Symmetry, Jack Beers

Ten Bright Eyes, Hindley

Three Pigs, One Wolf, and Seven Magic Shapes, Grace Maccarone

Tortoise Who Bragged, The, Betsy Franco

Triangles, Jack Beers

Turn To The Left, Turn To The Right, Jack Beers

What Shape?, Debbie MacKinnon

Which One Is It?, Linda Ekblad

Wing Of A Flea: A Book About Shapes, Ed Emberley


Berenstain Bears' Cook-It!, Stan Berenstain

Best Bug Parade, The, Stuart Murphy

Biggest Fish, The, Sheila Keenan

Cook-A-Doodle-Doo!, Janet Stevens & Susan Stevens Crummel

Counting on Frank, Clement

Cucumber Soup, Vickie Leigh Krudwig

Dragon's Scales, The, Sarah Albee

Fattest, Tallest, Biggest Snowman Ever, The, Rex

Fly on the Ceiling, The, Julie Glass

Hershey's Milk Chocolate Book of
Weights and Measures, The, Jerry Pallotta

How Big is a Foot?, Rolf Myller

How Big Is Big?, Strauss

How Tall, How Short, How Faraway?, David Adler

If You Hopped Like a Frog, David Schwartz

Inch by Inch, Leo Lionni

Inchworm And A Half, Elinor Pinczes

Jim and the Beanstalk, Briggs

Long And Short, Elsie Nelley

Measurement Mysteries, Adria Klein

Measuring Penny, Leedy

Much Bigger Than Martin, Kellogg

Pigs Go To Market, Amy Axelrod

Pigs In The Pantry, Amy Axelrod

Sir Cumference and the Dragon of Pi, Cindy Neuschwander

Sir Cumference and the First Round Table, Cindy Neuschwander

Sir Cumference and the Prince of Angleland, Cindy Neuschwander

Spending Dimes One At A Time, Adria Klein

Super Sand Castle Saturday, Murphy

Twelve Snails to One Lizard; A Tale of Mischief and Measurement, Susan Hightower

What's Up With That Cup?, Sheila Keenan

Which One Is More?, Adria Klein

Miscellaneous Math Books

98, 99, 100! Ready or Not, Here I Come, Slate

100 Days of School, Harris

100th Day of School, Medearis

100th Day Worries, Cuyler

April Rabbits, The, Cleveland

Betcha!, Murphy

Chrysanthemum, Henkes

Counting on Frank, Clement

Emily's First 100 Days of School, Wells

Fair Bear Share, A, Murphy

Henry the Fourth, Murphy

Millions of Cats, Gag


26 Letters and 99 cents, Hoban

A Chair For My Mother, Williams

A Quarter from the Tooth Fairy, Holtzman

Alexander Who Used To Be Rich Last Sunday, Judith Viorst

Arthur's Funny Money, Lillian Hoban

Benny's Pennies, Brisson

Berenstain Bears' Trouble With Money, Stan Berenstain

Big Buck Adventure, The, Shelley Gill & Deborah Tobola

Bunny Money, Rosemary Wells

Case of the Shrunken Allowance, The, Joanne Rocklin

Coin Counting Book, The, Rozanne Williams

Dollar For a Penny, A, Julie Glass

Go-Around Dollar, The, Barbara Johnston Adams

How Much is that Guinea Pig in the Window?, Rocklin

How the Second Grade Got $8205.50, Zimelman

If You Made A Million, Schwartz

Jelly Beans For Sale, Bruce McMillan

Let's Find Out About Money, Barabas

Lunch Line, The, Karen Berman Nagel

Make Four Million Dollars by Next Thursday!, Stephen Manes

Max Makes a Million, Maira Kalman

Max's Money, Teddy Slater

Moosey Saves Money, Michael Pellowski

Monster Money

My Rows and Piles of Coins, Tololwa Mollel

Once Upon a Dime, Nancy Kelly Allen

Penny Pot: Counting Coins, Murphy

Pigs Go to Market, Amy Axelrod

Pigs Will Be Pigs, Amy Axelrod

Purse, The, Kathy Caple

Treehorn's Treasure, Florence Perry Heide

Multiplication and Division

2 x 2 = Boo!, Loreen Leedy

Amanda Bean's Amazing Dream: A Mathematical Story, Cindy

Amazing Multiplication Book, The, Kate Petty & Jennie Maizels

Anno's Mysterious Multiplying Jar, Anno

Bats on Parade, Kathi Appelt

Best of Times, The, Greg Tang

Bunches and Bunches of Bunnies, Louise Matthews

Can You Count To a Googol?, Robert Wells

Count to a Million 1,000,000, Jerry Pallotta

Counting Sheep, Julie Glass

Divide and Ride, Stuart Murphy

Doorbell Rang, The, Pat Hutchins

Each Orange Had Eight Slices, Giganti

Four Threes Are Twelve, H.R. Wright

Give Me Half!, Stuart Murphy

Jump, Kangaroo, Jump!, Murphy

Just Add Fun!, Joanne Rocklin

More M & M's Counting Math, Barbara McGrath

One Hundred Hungry Ants, MacKain

One Hungry Cat, Joanne Rocklin

Pigs Go To Market, Amy Axelrod

Remainder of One, A, Elinor Pinczes

Sea Squares, Joy Hulme

Seventeen Kings and 42 Elephants, Mahy

Ten Times Better, Richard Michelson

Tens And Ones Together, Pansy Cowder

Too Many Kangaroo Things To Do!, Stuart Murphy

Patterns and Sequencing

Beep Beep, Vroom Vroom!, Murphy

Button Box, Reid

Lots and Lots of Zebra Stripes: Patterns in Nature, Swinburne

Pair of Socks, A, Stuart Murphy

Pattern, Pluckrose

Patterns, Terrence Coburn

Patterns And Shapes, Brian J. Knapp

Rabbit's Pajama Party, Stuart Murphy

Sorting, Pluckrose

Very Hungry Caterpillar, The, Eric Carle

Which One Is Next?, Adria Klein

Place Value

Big Numbers, Edward Packard

Can You Count To A Googol?, Robert Wells

Case Of The Mission Birthday Party, Joanne Rocklin

Fair Bear Share, A, Stuart Murphy

How Much, How Many, How Far, How
Heavy, How Long, How Tall Is 1000?,
Helen Nolan & Tracy Walker

How Much Is a Million?, David Schwartz

If You Made A Million, David Schwartz

On Beyond A Million, David Schwartz

Shark Swimathon, Stuart Murphy

Probability And Statistics

Bart's Amazing Charts, Dianne Ochiltree

Best Vacation Ever, The, Stuart Murphy

How To Make An Apple Pie And See
The World, Majorie Priceman

Lemonade For Sale, Stuart Murphy

Life And Times Of The Apple, Charles Micucci

My Favorite Things, Rodgers & Hammerstein, 1994

My Mom And Dad Make Me Laugh, Nick Sharratt

No Fair!, Caren Holtzman

Pigs At Odds, Amy Axelrod

Probability Pistachio, Stuart Murphy

Tiger Math, Anne Whitehead Nagda
and Cindy Bickel

Skip Counting

Arctic Fives Arrive, Elinor Pinczes

Cat Up A Tree, John and Ann Hassett

Cheerios Counting Book, The, Barbara McGrath

Double Bubble Trouble, Judy Bradbury

High Flying Gift For Mom, A, Judy Bradbury

Reese's Pieces & Count By Five, Jerry Pinczes

Stay In Line, Teddy Slater Time

8 O'Cluck, Jill Creighton

Bats Around the Clock, Kathi Appelt

Clock Book, The, Mason

Clocks and More Clocks, Pat Hutchins

Completed Hickory Dickory Dock, The, Jim Aylesworth

Digging Up The Past, Vivian Sathre

Father Time And The Day Boxes, George Ella Lyon

Game Time!, Stuart Murphy

Get Up and Go!, Murphy

Grandfather Clock, Roger Hargreaves

Grouchy Ladybug, The, Eric Carle

Henry's Important Date, Robert Quackenbush

House On Maple Street, The, Bonnie Pryor

Just a Minute, Teddy Slater

Just in Time, Cave

Man Who Tried To Save Time, The, Phyllis Krasilovsky

Me Counting Time, Joan Sweeney

Monster Math School Time, Grace MacCarone

Night Becomes Day, Richard McGuire

Nine O'Clock Lullaby, Marilyn Singer

Official M & M's Book Of The Millennium, Larry Dane Brimner

Pigs On A Blanket, Amy Axelrod

Pigs On The Move, Amy Axelrod

Sleepy Owl, The, Pfister

Somewhere In The World Right Now, Stacey Schuett

Stopwatch, The, David Lloyd

Telling Time with Big Mama Cat, Harper

Tick-Tock, James Dunbar

Time's Up?, Judy Gilbert

What's The Time, Mr. Wolf?, Colin Hawkins

What's The Time, Mr. Wolf?, Carol Jones



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