When: Thursday, Feb 02 | 10:45 am - 12:00 pm

Location: ICTC Kingsway

Days: Thursday. Event Types: Session. Sectors: Technology. Subjects: Digitization, Ethics, and privacy.


Digitizing and making local history collections accessible online often brings to light personal information that was never intended to be shared and distributed so broadly. Digitization projects only start with scanning and a website: the ongoing management and monitoring of your public’s response is central to the conversation as well. With examples from community newspaper indexes, Tweedsmuir histories, as well as yearbooks and other school publications, we’ll discuss some real-life experiences — both reactive and proactive — to immediate and ongoing privacy challenges for digitization projects. We are interested in inspiring a deeper conversation and invite you to share your own questions and examples with fellow attendees about the ethics of sharing and preserving our cultural heritage.