When: Friday, Feb 03 | 2:00 pm - 2:45 pm

Location: MTCC 203A

Days: Friday. Event Types: Session. Sectors: OLA. Subjects: Access, Inclusion, Prison Libraries, and Public Libraries.


The number of children with parents who are incarcerated in communities such as Sarnia and Kingston is staggering. With instrumental support and programming from the Canadian Families Corrections Network (CFCN) in 2016, both Lambton County Libraries and Kingston Frontenac Public Libraries were able to showcase their commitment to children and families in their local communities who are silent victims with big challenges. Find out about CFCN, their mandate, and their goals. Hear from public library staff about their involvement with CFCN-led programming to engage local families. Learn about further commitments both Lambton and Kingston would like to pursue to ensure families affected by incarceration are included in their offered programming.

– Build greater awareness of how public libraries can deliver programming and support for families and children affected by incarceration
– Learn about Canadian Families Corrections Network and how they can be involved with public libraries for programming and publicity info for their customers who may need resources about incarceration
– Fnd out about programming already happening within Canada which supports incarcerated families in partnership with organizations such as John Howard Society


PDF Presentation