When: Friday, Feb 03 | 10:30 am - 12:00 pm

Location: MTCC 202B

Days: Friday. Event Types: Session. Sectors: Public Libraries. Subjects: Strategic Planning.


Are you looking for a low-cost way to kickstart your strategic planning process? This panel will discuss the process of strategic planning for libraries on a shoestring budget. The session will cover a range of topics including tools for goal setting, developing mission and vision statements, survey design, and low-cost graphic design and distribution solutions to get you started on an effective and low-cost path to creating your new Strategic Plan.

Participants will leave this presentation with practical resources for developing a strategic plan, including worksheets and templates. They will also be familiar with several case studies of recent strategic plans from several libraries, representing a range of sizes and locations, and will gain knowledge of low cost tools for the design and distribution of their strategic plan.