When: Friday, Feb 03 | 11:20 am - 12:00 pm

Location: MTCC 206E

Days: Friday. Event Types: Session. Sectors: College & University. Subjects: Assessment, Information Literacy, and Students.


A challenge of One-Shot Information Literacy instruction is how to teach new concepts and skills while also assessing student learning under strict time constraints. This session describes a practical approach to active learning by way of Google Docs (or CRITdocs, as I’ve dubbed them). This tool lends itself to task-oriented assessment founded in a critical information literacy practice that embraces The ACRL Framework for Information Literacy concepts. CRITdocs are easy to develop, alter and deploy. They are free, accessible, collaborative and familiar to students. Using CRITdocs makes each student accountable for their own learning and participation. They also serve as a jumping off point for group discussion, and as a community building practice in the classroom. The Docs are available for review later on by library staff for formal assessment purposes. This presentation will include a demonstration, tips and templates to get started.

– Knowledge of an Information Literacy assessment strategy called CRITdocs.
– Critically evaluate a CRITdoc example.
– Practical tips for developing Google Docs at their own institution.