When: Friday, Feb 03 | 11:20 am - 12:00 pm

Location: MTCC 206B

Days: Friday. Event Types: Session. Sectors: Special Libraries. Subjects: Outreach and Project Management.


Library events are an important component of outreach and community engagement. Relationships can be built, partnerships can be established, and a number of community needs can be addressed. However, the majority of institutions face the challenges of budgetary and resource restrictions that make event planning for community building and program support difficult. This session will show how library events can be approached creatively and how to plan a successful library event using fundamental tips and workflows. I will use a number of events planned at the University of Toronto Libraries as examples of how to approach library programming, what to avoid, and the potential of a number of approaches that tie into behavioural theory and motivation for engagement. The session will cover both large and small scale events which can be applied to any institution. Topics that will be covered include project management, social media, big thinking, and library trends.

Attendees will leave this session with key ideas and workflows of approaching library events, event planning, execution and assessment, with specific examples of using gamification, community collaborations, and social media in libraries.